Vatican City Baby Boy Names
Vatican City's Baby names have a phenomenal uniqueness to a great extent impacted by its status as the world's littlest free state, firmly bound to the core of the Roman Catholic Church. The Vatican's profound strict importance shapes its naming practices, with many names getting from holy people, popes, and other strict figures respected by the Catholic confidence. This leads to a particular assortment of names that hold significant profound importance and verifiable weight, frequently mirroring the rich embroidery of the Congregation's set of experiences.
Moreover, Vatican City's affectionate local area and restricted populace add to the uniqueness of its child names. The Vatican fills in as both a strict focus and a home for pastorate and staff, encouraging a climate where names frequently honor the common convictions and upsides of this ministerial local area. Because of its particular and close nature, names picked inside Vatican City might have a more focused center around strict imagery and coherence, building up the solitary person of its naming shows.

Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with A
· Angelo - Meaning "angel" or "messenger" in Italian.
· Alessio - A variant of Alexander, meaning "defender of the people."
· Antonio - Meaning "priceless" or "inestimable."
· Andrea - Derived from the Greek name Andreas, meaning "man" or "manly."
· Adriano - A variation of Adrian, meaning "from Hadria" (a town in Italy).
· Amato - Meaning "beloved" or "dear."
· Ambrogio - Derived from Ambrose, meaning "immortal" or "divine."
· Alberto - Meaning "noble" or "bright."
Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with B
· Benedetto - Italian form of Benedict, meaning "blessed."
· Bernardo - Italian form of Bernard, meaning "brave as a bear."
· Bartolomeo - Italian form of Bartholomew, meaning "son of Talmai."
· Bonaventura - Meaning "good fortune" or "good luck."
· Biagio - Italian form of Blaise, meaning "to stammer" or "lisping."
· Baldassare - Italian form of Balthazar, possibly meaning "Ba'al protects the king."
· Basilio - Italian form of Basil, meaning "royal" or "kingly."
· Bartolomeo - Italian variant of Bartholomew, meaning "son of Talmai."
Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with C
· Carlo - Italian form of Charles, meaning "free man."
· Cristiano - Italian form of Christian, meaning "follower of Christ."
· Cesare - Italian form of Caesar, meaning "hairy" or "head of hair."
· Claudio - Italian form of Claudius, meaning "lame" or "disabled."
· Camillo - Meaning "attendant at a religious ceremony" or "priest's assistant."
· Clemente - Derived from the Latin word "clemens," meaning "merciful" or "gentle."
· Ciro - Italian form of Cyrus, meaning "young" or "lord."
· Corrado - Italian form of Conrad, meaning "brave counsel."
Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with D
· Domenico - Italian form of Dominic, meaning "belonging to the Lord."
· Daniele - Italian form of Daniel, meaning "God is my judge."
· Damiano - Italian form of Damian, meaning "to tame" or "subdue."
· Donato - Meaning "given" or "gifted."
· Dario - Italian form of Darius, meaning "possessing goodness."
· Davide - Italian form of David, meaning "beloved."
· Diego - A Spanish name often associated with James, meaning "supplanter" or "he who replaces."
· Desiderio - Meaning "longed for" or "desired."
Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with E
· Emanuele - Italian form of Emmanuel, meaning "God is with us."
· Enrico - Italian form of Henry, meaning "ruler of the household."
· Ernesto - Italian form of Ernest, meaning "serious" or "resolute."
· Emilio - Derived from the Roman family name Aemilius, meaning "rival."
· Egidio - Italian form of Giles, meaning "young goat" or "shield of goatskin."
· Edmondo - Italian form of Edmund, meaning "rich protector."
· Ettore - Italian form of Hector, meaning "holding fast."
· Eliseo - Italian form of Elisha, meaning "God is salvation."
Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with F
· Fabio - Derived from the Roman family name Fabius, meaning "bean grower" or "bean."
· Federico - Italian form of Frederick, meaning "peaceful ruler."
· Fiorenzo - Derived from the Italian word "fiore," meaning "flower."
· Fortunato - Meaning "fortunate" or "lucky."
· Fabrizio - Italian form of Fabrice, meaning "craftsman" or "artisan."
· Fausto - Derived from the Latin name Faustus, meaning "fortunate" or "lucky."
· Francesco - Italian form of Francis, meaning "free man."
· Filippo - Italian form of Philip, meaning "lover of horses."
Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with G
· Gabriele - Italian form of Gabriel, meaning "God is my strength."
· Gianluca - A combination of Gian (short for Giovanni) and Luca, meaning "God is gracious" and "light."
· Gregorio - Italian form of Gregory, meaning "watchful" or "vigilant."
· Giuseppe - Italian form of Joseph, meaning "he will add" or "God shall add."
· Gaetano - Derived from the Latin name Caietanus, referring to someone from Caieta (modern-day Gaeta, Italy).
· Gualtiero - Italian form of Walter, meaning "ruler of the army."
· Gavino - Possibly derived from the Latin name Gabinus, meaning "from Gabium" (a town in Italy).
· Giuliano - Italian form of Julian, meaning "youthful" or "downy-bearded."
Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with H
· Hermanno - Italian form of Herman, meaning "army man" or "warrior."
· Hugo - Italian form of Hugh, meaning "heart," "mind," or "spirit."
Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with I
· Isidoro - Italian form of Isidore, meaning "gift of Isis" (an Egyptian goddess) or "gift of knowledge."
· Italo - Meaning "of Italy" or "Italian."
· Ilario - Derived from the Roman family name Hilarius, meaning "cheerful" or "lively."
· Innocenzo - Italian form of Innocent, meaning "innocent" or "harmless."
· Ippolito - Italian form of Hippolytus, meaning "freer of horses."
Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with J
· Jacopo - Italian form of Jacob, meaning "supplanter."
· Jovanni - Variation of Giovanni, meaning "God is gracious."
· Joselito - A diminutive of Jose or Joseph, meaning "God will add."
· Julian - Meaning "youthful" or "downy-bearded."
· Justo - Italian form of Justin, meaning "just" or "fair."
· Juraj - Italian form of George, meaning "farmer" or "earthworker."
· Jacinto - Italian form of Hyacinth, referring to the flower or the mythological figure.
· Joviano - Derived from Jovianus, meaning "of Jupiter" or "belonging to Jupiter."
Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with K
· Kamillo - Italian form of Camillus, meaning "attendant at religious ceremonies."
· Karol - Italian form of Charles, meaning "free man."
· Kasimir - Italian form of Casimir, meaning "proclaimer of peace."
· Klaudio - Italian form of Claudius, meaning "lame" or "disabled."
· Kosta - Short for Konstantino, meaning "steadfast" or "constant."
· Kristian - Italian form of Christian, meaning "follower of Christ."
· Klemente - Italian form of Clement, meaning "merciful" or "gentle."
· Konrad - Italian form of Conrad, meaning "brave counsel."
Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with L
· Lorenzo - Italian form of Lawrence, meaning "from Laurentum" (a city in ancient Italy).
· Luca - Meaning "light" or "bright."
· Leandro - Derived from the Greek name Leandros, meaning "lion-man."
· Luciano - Italian form of Lucian, meaning "light" or "illumination."
· Leonello - Italian diminutive of Leone, meaning "lion."
· Ludovico - Italian form of Louis, meaning "famous warrior."
· Luigi - Italian form of Louis, meaning "famous warrior."
· Livio - Derived from the Roman family name Livius, possibly meaning "envious."
Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with M
· Marco - Italian form of Mark, possibly meaning "male" or "warlike."
· Matteo - Italian form of Matthew, meaning "gift of God."
· Marcello - Italian form of Marcellus, meaning "little warrior."
· Mauro - Derived from the Latin name Maurus, meaning "dark-skinned" or "Moorish."
· Michele - Italian form of Michael, meaning "who is like God?"
· Mario - Italian form of Marius, possibly meaning "male" or "virile."
· Mattia - Italian form of Matthias, meaning "gift of God."
· Martino - Italian form of Martin, meaning "of Mars" or "warlike."
Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with N
· Nicola - Italian form of Nicholas, meaning "victory of the people."
· Nereo - Derived from the Greek name Nereus, meaning "water."
· Narciso - Italian form of Narcissus, meaning "numbness" or "sleep."
· Napoleone - Italian form of Napoleon, meaning "lion of Naples."
· Nazzareno - Meaning "from Nazareth" (the town in which Jesus grew up).
· Niccolo - Italian form of Nicholas, meaning "victory of the people."
· Nino - Possibly derived from the Roman family name "Ninus," meaning unknown.
· Norberto - Meaning "bright north" or "famous north."
Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with O
· Ottavio - Italian form of Octavius, meaning "eighth."
· Orlando - Italian form of Roland, meaning "famous throughout the land."
· Orazio - Italian form of Horace, meaning "time" or "hour."
· Osvaldo - Italian form of Oswald, meaning "god power."
· Onofrio - Derived from the Greek name Onuphrius, meaning "he who carries his own."
Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with P
· Paolo - Italian form of Paul, meaning "small" or "humble."
· Pietro - Italian form of Peter, meaning "rock" or "stone."
· Piero - Italian form of Peter, meaning "rock" or "stone."
· Prospero - Meaning "fortunate" or "prosperous."
· Primo - Meaning "first" or "primary."
· Pio - Derived from the Latin word "pius," meaning "devout" or "dutiful."
· Pacifico - Meaning "peaceful" or "calm."
· Patrizio - Italian form of Patrick, meaning "nobleman."
Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with Q
· Quintino - Italian form of Quintinus, meaning "fifth."
· Quirino - Derived from the Latin name Quirinus, possibly meaning "spear" or "lance."
· Quarto - Meaning "fourth."
· Quinzio - Derived from the Latin name Quinctius, possibly meaning "fifth."
Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with R
· Raffaele - Italian form of Raphael, meaning "God has healed."
· Riccardo - Italian form of Richard, meaning "strong ruler" or "brave ruler."
· Roberto - Italian form of Robert, meaning "bright fame."
· Romeo - Meaning "pilgrim to Rome" or "pilgrim to the city of Rome."
· Rinaldo - Italian form of Reynold, meaning "counsel power."
· Remo - Possibly derived from the Latin word "remus," meaning "oar" or "rowing."
· Rocco - Meaning "rest" or "repose."
· Renzo - Short form of Lorenzo, meaning "from Laurentum" (a city in ancient Italy).
Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with S
· Stefano - Italian form of Stephen, meaning "crown" or "garland."
· Salvatore - Italian form of Salvador, meaning "savior" or "rescuer."
· Samuele - Italian form of Samuel, meaning "heard by God."
· Saverio - Italian form of Xavier, meaning "new house" or "bright."
· Sergio - Derived from the Roman family name Sergius, meaning "servant" or "attendant."
· Silvano - Derived from the Latin word "silva," meaning "wood" or "forest."
· Simone - Italian form of Simon, meaning "he has heard."
· Sesto - Meaning "sixth."
Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with T
· Tommaso - Italian form of Thomas, meaning "twin."
· Teodoro - Italian form of Theodore, meaning "gift of God."
· Tiziano - Meaning "from Titus" or "of the giants."
· Timoteo - Italian form of Timothy, meaning "honoring God."
· Tullio - Italian form of Tullius, possibly meaning "reed" or "tool."
· Terenzio - Derived from the Roman family name Terentius, meaning "soft, tender."
· Tancredi - Derived from the Germanic name Tankred, meaning "thought" and "counsel."
· Tobia - Italian form of Tobias, meaning "God is good."
Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with U
· Ugo - Italian form of Hugh, meaning "heart," "mind," or "spirit."
· Uberto - Meaning "bright mind" or "bright intellect."
· Ugo - Italian form of Hugh, meaning "heart," "mind," or "spirit."
· Ulderico - Meaning "prosperity" or "wealthy ruler."
· Ulisse - Italian form of Ulysses, meaning "wrathful" or "hateful."
· Umberto - Derived from the Germanic elements "un" (prosperity) and "beraht" (bright), meaning "bright prosperity."
· Urbano - Italian form of Urban, meaning "city dweller" or "from the city."
· Ulderico - Meaning "prosperity" or "wealthy ruler."
Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with V
· Valentino - Italian form of Valentine, meaning "strong" or "healthy."
· Vittorio - Italian form of Victor, meaning "victory" or "conqueror."
· Valerio - Derived from the Roman family name Valerius, meaning "strong" or "healthy."
· Vincenzo - Italian form of Vincent, meaning "conquering."
· Vittore - Italian form of Victor, meaning "victory" or "conqueror."
· Virgilio - Italian form of Virgil, possibly meaning "staff bearer."
Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with W
· Walter - Meaning "ruler of the army."
· Wilfredo - Italian form of Wilfred, meaning "desires peace."
· William - Derived from the Germanic elements "wil" (will, desire) and "helm" (helmet, protection), meaning "strong-willed protector."
· Wolfgang - Derived from the Germanic elements "wulf" (wolf) and "gang" (path), meaning "path of the wolf."
· Wendelino - A variation of Wendelin, meaning "wanderer" or "seeker."
· Wenceslaus - Derived from the Slavic elements "vyen" (more) and "slava" (glory), meaning "more glory."
· Warwick - Meaning "dairy farm" or "settlement by the weir."
· Winslow - Meaning "friend's hill" or "victory hill."
Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with X
· Xaverio - Italian form of Xavier, meaning "new house" or "bright."
· Xavier - Derived from the Basque place name "Etxeberria," meaning "new house" or "bright."
· Xeno - Derived from the Greek name Xenon, possibly meaning "stranger" or "foreigner."
· Xerxes - Derived from the Persian name "Khashayarsha," possibly meaning "ruler over heroes."
· Xander - A diminutive of Alexander, meaning "defender of the people."
· Xavi - Short form of Xavier, meaning "new house" or "bright."
· Ximon - Variant of Simon, meaning "he has heard."
· Xylon - Derived from the Greek word "xylon," meaning "wood" or "forest."
· Xenophon - Derived from the Greek words "xenos" (stranger) and "phone" (voice), meaning "foreign voice."
Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with Y
· Yves - Derived from the Germanic name "Ivo," meaning "yew wood" or "archer."
· Yannick - Breton diminutive of John, meaning "God is gracious."
· Yves-Marie - A combination of Yves and Marie, meaning "archer of the sea."
· Yonah - Derived from the Hebrew name "Yonah," meaning "dove."
· Yeshua - Hebrew name meaning "salvation," often associated with Jesus.
· Yitzhak - Hebrew form of Isaac, meaning "laughter."
· Yair - Hebrew name meaning "he will enlighten."
· Yuri - Variant of George, meaning "farmer" or "earthworker."
Vatican City Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with Z
· Zenone - Italian form of Zenon, meaning "gift of Zeus" (Zeus being the king of the Greek gods).
· Zaccaria - Italian form of Zachariah, meaning "remembered by God."
· Zefirino - Derived from the Italian word "zefiro," meaning "west wind."
· Zeno - Derived from the Greek name Zenon, possibly meaning "gift of Zeus."
· Zenobio - Derived from the Greek name Zenobios, meaning "life of Zeus."
· Zoltan - Italian form of Zoltán, possibly meaning "life" or "sultan."