Taiwan Baby Boy Names with Meaning

Taiwan Baby Boy Names

Taiwanese Baby names show an unmistakable uniqueness attributable to the island's perplexing social history and its extraordinary situation in East Asia. Taiwan has been impacted by native Austronesian societies, Chinese practices, Japanese pilgrim rule, and its own advanced personality. This blend of social impacts has brought about a different exhibit of names that might draw from native dialects, Chinese characters, or even Japanese phonetics. This rich blend of phonetic and social components adds to a great many naming choices that are both significant and intelligent of Taiwan's diverse legacy.

Besides, Taiwan's political and social status has cultivated a feeling of singularity and uniqueness in its child names. The island's continuous mission for acknowledgment and independence has prompted a reinforcing of neighborhood character, and this is in many cases reflected in naming decisions. Many guardians choose names that include importance inside their local area or culture, featuring the significance of legacy and the craving to state their particular Taiwanese personality. These elements, joined with the verifiable, semantic, and social impacts, bring about Taiwan's child names being a spellbinding mix of custom, development, and territorial pride.

Taiwan Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with A

· Anhui (安惠): "Peaceful Wisdom"

· Aixin (爱心): "Loving Heart"

· Aoqing (奥青): "Mysterious and Clear"

· Aolin (奥林): "Mystic Forest"

· Aixin (爱新): "New Love"

· Anle (安乐): "Peace and Joy"

· Aohui (傲辉): "Proud Brilliance"

· Anqi (安奇): "Peaceful Wonder"

Taiwan Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with B

· Baozhai (宝斋): "Precious Chamber"

· Baili (百里): "Hundred Miles"

· Bohan (博涵): "Broad-minded and Inclusive"

· Baolin (宝林): "Precious Forest"

· Boran (博然): "Broad-minded and Natural"

· Baiyun (白云): "White Cloud"

· Bojing (博敬): "Broad-minded and Respectful"

· Binwei (彬威): "Refined and Powerful"

Taiwan Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with C

· Chengwei (诚伟): "Sincere Greatness"

· Chunyu (春雨): "Spring Rain"

· Changhong (长虹): "Long Rainbow"

· Caihong (彩虹): "Rainbow"

· Chongwen (崇文): "Respected Culture"

· Cangjing (苍井): "Green Well"

· Chengliang (诚亮): "Sincere Brightness"

· Chenxing (晨星): "Morning Star"

Taiwan Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with D

· Donghai (东海): "East Sea"

· Dexin (德心): "Virtuous Heart"

· Dianming (典明): "Bright and Wise"

· Dongfang (东方): "Eastern Direction"

· Deren (德仁): "Virtuous Benevolence"

· Dazhong (大众): "The Masses"

· Dingxiang (鼎湘): "Respected Fragrance"

· Dongwen (东文): "Eastern Culture"

Taiwan Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with E

· Enlai (恩来): "Gracious Arrival"

· Eryi (尔一): "One and Only"

· Ezhong (恶忠): "Fierce Loyalty"

· Enshi (恩师): "Respected Teacher"

· Eyu (尔愈): "Healing and Recovery"

· Ehuan (尔欢): "Joyful"

· Ehuang (尔皇): "Royal One"

· Esheng (尔声): "Voice"

Taiwan Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with F

· Ferenc - Meaning "free man."

· Flórián - Meaning "flower."

· Fülöp - Hungarian form of Philip, meaning "lover of horses."

· Frigyes - Hungarian form of Frederick, meaning "peaceful ruler."

· Felicián - Meaning "lucky" or "fortunate."

· Fábián - Derived from the Roman family name Fabianus.

· Fedor - Hungarian form of Theodore, meaning "gift of God."

· Fülöp - Meaning "lover of horses."

Taiwan Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with G

· Gábor - Hungarian form of Gabriel, meaning "God is my strength."

· Gergely - Hungarian form of Gregory, meaning "watchful" or "vigilant."

· Gellért - Meaning "strong with the spear."

· György - Hungarian form of George, meaning "farmer" or "earth-worker."

· Géza - Meaning "take care" or "vigilant."

· Gáspár - Hungarian form of Jasper, a type of precious stone.

· Gusztáv - Hungarian form of Gustav, meaning "staff of the Goths."

· Generál - Meaning "general."

Taiwan Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with H

· Henrik - Hungarian form of Henry, meaning "ruler of the household."

· Hunor - In Hungarian mythology, one of the legendary Hun brothers.

· Huba - Derived from the old Hungarian word "húba," meaning "sacrifice."

· Hadrian - Hungarian form of Adrian, meaning "from Hadria."

· Hugó - Hungarian form of Hugh, meaning "heart" or "mind."

· Hámori - Meaning "made of leather" or "leatherworker."

· Herold - Hungarian form of Harold, meaning "army ruler."

· Hamza - Hungarian form of Hamzah, meaning "lion."

Taiwan Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with I

· Imre - Meaning "desire" or "longing."

· István - Hungarian form of Stephen, meaning "crown" or "crowned one."

· Ignác - Hungarian form of Ignatius, meaning "fiery" or "ardent."

· Illyés - Meaning "of Illyria," an ancient region in Europe.

· Imrus - Diminutive form of Imre, meaning "desire" or "longing."

· Isidór - Hungarian form of Isidore, meaning "gift of Isis" or "gift of the goddess."

· Izsák - Hungarian form of Isaac, meaning "laughter."

· Ikarusz - Meaning "Icarus," a character from Greek mythology.

Taiwan Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with J

· János - Hungarian form of John, meaning "God is gracious."

· József - Hungarian form of Joseph, meaning "God will increase."

· Jakab - Hungarian form of Jacob, meaning "supplanter."

· Jozsua - Hungarian form of Joshua, meaning "God is salvation."

· Jákob - Variant of Jakab, meaning "supplanter."

· Jánoska - Diminutive form of János, meaning "God is gracious."

· Józsi - Diminutive form of József, meaning "God will increase."

· Juhász - Meaning "shepherd."

Taiwan Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with K

· Kristóf - Hungarian form of Christopher, meaning "bearer of Christ."

· Károly - Hungarian form of Charles, meaning "man" or "free man."

· Kornél - Hungarian form of Cornelius, meaning "horn."

· Kálmán - Meaning "calm" or "gentle."

· Kázmér - Hungarian form of Casimir, meaning "proclaimer of peace."

· Kádár - Meaning "cooper," a person who makes barrels.

· Koppány - Name of a legendary Hungarian prince.

· Kornél - Meaning "horn."

Taiwan Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with L

· László - Derived from the Hungarian word "lászló," meaning "to conquer."

· Levente - Name of a legendary Hungarian prince.

· Loránd - Meaning "Laurentum" (a city in ancient Italy).

· Lőrinc - Hungarian form of Lawrence, meaning "laurel-crowned."

· Lajos - Hungarian form of Louis, meaning "renowned warrior."

· Leó - Hungarian form of Leo, meaning "lion."

· Lázár - Hungarian form of Lazarus, meaning "God has helped."

· Lénárd - Hungarian form of Leonard, meaning "lion strength."

Taiwan Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with M

· Mihály - Hungarian form of Michael, meaning "who is like God?"

· Miklós - Hungarian form of Nicholas, meaning "victory of the people."

· Marcell - Hungarian form of Marcel, meaning "little warrior."

· Márton - Hungarian form of Martin, meaning "of Mars" (the god of war).

· Mátyás - Hungarian form of Matthias, meaning "gift of God."

· Móric - Hungarian form of Maurice, meaning "dark-skinned" or "Moorish."

· Milán - Meaning "gracious" or "dear."

· Melchior - Hungarian form of Melchior, possibly meaning "king of light."

Taiwan Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with N

· Norbert - Meaning "north" and "bright," indicating a person from the north with a bright personality.

· Natán - Hungarian form of Nathan, meaning "he gave."

· Nándor - Name of a legendary Hungarian prince.

· Nemes - Meaning "noble" or "gentle."

· Nándor - Name of a legendary Hun warrior.

· Nílus - Hungarian form of Nile, the famous river.

· Norbertusz - Variant of Norbert, meaning "north" and "bright."

· Neptunusz - Hungarian form of Neptune, the god of the sea.

Taiwan Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with O

· Ottó - Hungarian form of Otto, meaning "wealth" or "fortune."

· Orsolya - Meaning "bear."

· Orfeusz - Hungarian form of Orpheus, a legendary musician and poet.

· Odilón - Hungarian form of Odilo, meaning "wealthy."

· Odon - Hungarian form of Odo, meaning "wealth."

· Olivér - Hungarian form of Oliver, meaning "olive tree."

· Oszkár - Hungarian form of Oscar, meaning "deer lover" or "champion warrior."

· Ottomár - Meaning "protection" and "famous."

Taiwan Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with P

· Péter - Hungarian form of Peter, meaning "rock" or "stone."

· Pál - Hungarian form of Paul, meaning "small" or "humble."

· Pongrác - Hungarian form of Pancras, meaning "supreme."

· Pálma - Meaning "palm tree."

· Pásztor - Meaning "shepherd."

· Pázmány - Meaning "peace."

· Prónay - Derived from the Hungarian word "próba," meaning "trial" or "test."

· Pongrác - Meaning "supreme."

Taiwan Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with R

· Róbert - Hungarian form of Robert, meaning "bright fame."

· Richárd - Hungarian form of Richard, meaning "strong ruler."

· Rákóczi - Name of a prominent Hungarian noble family.

· Rózsnyai - Derived from the Hungarian word "rózsa," meaning "rose."

· Rádóc - Meaning "gift."

· Rudolf - Hungarian form of Rudolph, meaning "famous wolf."

· Rozsály - Meaning "rose."

· Rozmár - Meaning "rosemary."

Taiwan Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with S

· Sándor - Hungarian form of Alexander, meaning "defender of the people."

· Szabolcs - Name of a historical region in Hungary.

· Sámuel - Hungarian form of Samuel, meaning "heard by God."

· Szilveszter - Hungarian form of Sylvester, meaning "wooded" or "wild."

· Szentgyörgyi - Derived from the Hungarian words "szent," meaning "holy," and "györgy," meaning "George."

· Sámson - Hungarian form of Samson, meaning "sun."

· Szentiványi - Derived from the Hungarian words "szent," meaning "holy," and "iván," meaning "John."

· Szentpéteri - Derived from the Hungarian words "szent," meaning "holy," and "péter," meaning "Peter."

Taiwan Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with T

· Tamás - Hungarian form of Thomas, meaning "twin."

· Tibor - Meaning "of the Tiber River" (in Italy) or "tiger."

· Tamáska - Diminutive form of Tamás, meaning "twin."

· Tivadar - Hungarian form of Theodor, meaning "gift of God."

· Töhötöm - Name of a legendary Hungarian warrior.

· Töhötöm - Meaning "mighty" or "strong."

· Tivadar - Meaning "gift of God."

· Tamás - Derived from the Aramaic name "Toma," meaning "twin."

Taiwan Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with U

· Ubul - Meaning "bright" or "light."

· Uzor - Meaning "happy" or "fortunate."

· Ulrik - Hungarian form of Ulric, meaning "wolf ruler."

· Urbán - Meaning "city dweller."

· Ugor - Meaning "leap" or "jump."

· Ugor - Hungarian form of Ygor, possibly meaning "ingenuous" or "pleasant."

· Ubul - Derived from the Hungarian word "uborka," meaning "cucumber."

· Uzor - Derived from the Hungarian word "uzlet," meaning "business."

Taiwan Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with V

· Viktor - Hungarian form of Victor, meaning "conqueror" or "victorious."

· Vilmos - Hungarian form of William, meaning "will" or "desire" and "protection."

· Valér - Meaning "strong" or "healthy."

· Vazul - Name of a historical Hungarian prince.

· Vencel - Hungarian form of Wenceslaus, meaning "more glory."

· Virgil - Hungarian form of Virgil, possibly meaning "staff bearer" or "wielding a staff."

· Vince - Hungarian form of Vincent, meaning "conquering."

· Valentin - Hungarian form of Valentine, meaning "strong" or "healthy."

Taiwan Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with Z

· Zoltán - Possibly derived from the Hungarian word "zolt," meaning "sultan" or "ruler."

· Zsolt - Meaning "to waver" or "to slide."

· Zétény - Name of a legendary Hungarian prince.

· Zádor - Meaning "fighting," "warrior," or "struggle."

· Zsigmond - Hungarian form of Sigismund, meaning "victorious protection."

· Zengő - Meaning "resounding," "ringing," or "sound."

· Zsombor - Derived from the Hungarian word "zsombékos," meaning "cornelian cherry."

· Zoltán - Meaning "sultan" or "ruler."

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