Spain Baby Boy Names with Meaning

Spain Baby Boy Names

Spain has a rich social legacy and a different history that has impacted its naming customs. This uniqueness in Spanish Baby names can be credited to various variables. First and foremost, Spain's set of experiences of being a blend of societies, including Moorish, Roman, Celtic, and Visigothic impacts, has added to a tremendous pool of names with unmistakable starting points. This verifiable variety has prompted an extensive variety of name choices, frequently mirroring a mix of etymological and social components.

Moreover, Spain has a custom of respecting strict figures and holy people through naming practices. Numerous Spanish child names are gotten from the names of holy people and strict figures, adding a layer of importance and significance to each name. This commitment to strict figures has prompted the protection of more seasoned, conventional names as well as the formation of fresher ones propelled by the holy people. This remarkable mix of verifiable impacts, social variety, and strict importance has brought about an assortment of child names in Spain that are both unmistakable and well established in the country's social embroidery.

Spain Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with A

· Adrián - Meaning "from Hadria," a city in northern Italy.

· Alejandro - The Spanish form of Alexander, meaning "defender of the people."

· Alonso - A variant of Alfonso, meaning "noble" or "ready for battle."

· Andrés - The Spanish form of Andrew, meaning "man" or "warrior."

· Antonio - Meaning "priceless" or "invaluable."

· Arturo - Derived from the Celtic word for "bear," symbolizing strength.

· Augusto - Spanish form of Augustus, meaning "great" or "venerable."

· Aitor - A traditional Basque name with uncertain meaning, often associated with "good fathers."

Spain Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with B

· Benjamín - Spanish form of Benjamin, meaning "son of the right hand."

· Bruno - Meaning "brown," often associated with a bear-like nature.

· Beltrán - Derived from the Germanic name Bertrand, meaning "bright raven."

· Braulio - Meaning "shining" or "glittering."

· Baltasar - Spanish form of Balthazar, possibly meaning "Baal protects the king."

· Bernardo - Derived from the Germanic name Bernard, meaning "brave as a bear."

· Blas - Meaning "stutter" or "lisping," but also associated with healing.

· Bautista - Meaning "baptist," referring to John the Baptist.

Spain Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with C

· Carlos - Spanish form of Charles, meaning "man" or "warrior."

· Cristóbal - Spanish form of Christopher, meaning "bearer of Christ."

· César - Derived from the Roman family name Caesar, possibly meaning "head of hair."

· Claudio - Derived from the Roman family name Claudius, meaning "lame" or "stutterer."

· Camilo - Meaning "attendant at a religious ceremony" or "temple servant."

· Casimiro - Derived from a Slavic name meaning "famous destroyer."

· Celestino - Meaning "heavenly" or "celestial."

· Cipriano - Meaning "from Cyprus," an island in the Mediterranean.

Spain Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with D

· Daniel - A biblical name meaning "God is my judge."

· Diego - Possibly derived from Santiago, meaning "saint James."

· David - A biblical name meaning "beloved" or "dear."

· Damián - Meaning "to tame" or "subdue."

· Domingo - Spanish form of Dominic, meaning "of the Lord."

· Dario - Spanish form of Darius, meaning "possessing goodness."

· Darío - Variant of Dario.

· Dionisio - Spanish form of Dionysius, meaning "follower of Dionysos."

Spain Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with E

· Eduardo - Spanish form of Edward, meaning "wealthy guardian."

· Enrique - Spanish form of Henry, meaning "ruler of the household."

· Emilio - Meaning "rival" or "striving."

· Esteban - Spanish form of Stephen, meaning "crown" or "wreath."

· Eloy - Derived from the Latin name Eligius, meaning "chosen one."

· Elías - Spanish form of Elijah, meaning "my God is Yahweh."

· Ezequiel - Spanish form of Ezekiel, meaning "God strengthens."

· Evaristo - Meaning "well pleasing" or "good."

Spain Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with F

· Fernando - Meaning "bold voyager" or "adventurous."

· Francisco - Spanish form of Francis, meaning "free one."

· Fabio - Meaning "bean grower" or "bean farmer."

· Felipe - Spanish form of Philip, meaning "lover of horses."

· Federico - Spanish form of Frederick, meaning "peaceful ruler."

· Faustino - Meaning "fortunate" or "lucky."

· Fermín - Derived from Latin "Firminus," meaning "strong" or "firm."

· Fidel - Meaning "faithful" or "loyal."

Spain Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with G

· Gabriel - A biblical name meaning "God is my strength."

· Gonzalo - Derived from a medieval name, possibly meaning "battle" or "wage war."

· Gerardo - Meaning "spear ruler" or "brave with the spear."

· Gregorio - Spanish form of Gregory, meaning "watchful" or "vigilant."

· Guillermo - Spanish form of William, meaning "resolute protector."

· Gustavo - Meaning "staff of the Goths" or "Gothic royal staff."

· Galileo - Possibly derived from "Galilee," a region in Israel.

· Genaro - Derived from Januarius, meaning "January-born."

Spain Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with H

· Héctor - Derived from Greek "hektōr," possibly meaning "holding fast."

· Hugo - Derived from Old Germanic "Hug," meaning "mind" or "spirit."

· Hermann - Spanish form of Herman, meaning "army man."

· Horacio - Derived from Latin "Horatius," meaning "hour" or "time."

· Heraclio - Meaning "glory of Hera," referring to the goddess Hera.

· Hilario - Meaning "cheerful" or "happy."

· Honorio - Meaning "honor" or "esteem."

· Helio - Derived from Greek "helios," meaning "sun."

Spain Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with I

· Ignacio - Meaning "fiery" or "ardent."

· Iker - A Basque name meaning "visitation."

· Isaac - A biblical name meaning "he will laugh."

· Iván - Spanish form of John, meaning "God is gracious."

· Iñaki - A Basque name derived from Ignatius, meaning "fiery one."

· Ismael - A biblical name meaning "God hears."

· Íñigo - A Basque name possibly meaning "my little."

· Israel - A biblical name meaning "God prevails."

Spain Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with J

· Javier - Possibly derived from "new house."

· Jorge - Spanish form of George, meaning "farmer" or "earthworker."

· Juan - Spanish form of John, meaning "God is gracious."

· Julián - Spanish form of Julian, meaning "youthful" or "downy-bearded."

· Jerónimo - Spanish form of Jerome, meaning "sacred name" or "holy."

· Josué - Spanish form of Joshua, meaning "God is salvation."

· Jaime - Spanish form of James, meaning "supplanter."

· Jesús - Spanish form of Jesus, meaning "God is salvation."

Spain Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with L

· Leonardo - Meaning "brave lion" or "strong as a lion."

· Lucas - Spanish form of Luke, meaning "from Lucania" or "light-giving."

· Luis - Spanish form of Louis, meaning "famous warrior."

· Lorenzo - Spanish form of Lawrence, meaning "laurel wreath."

· Lázaro - A biblical name meaning "God has helped."

· Leandro - Possibly derived from Greek "leandros," meaning "lion man."

· Liborio - Derived from Latin "liber," meaning "free."

· Lucas - Spanish form of Luke, meaning "light-giving" or "from Lucania."

Spain Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with M

· Manuel - Derived from Hebrew "Immanuel," meaning "God is with us."

· Miguel - Spanish form of Michael, meaning "who is like God?"

· Mateo - Spanish form of Matthew, meaning "gift of God."

· Martín - Derived from the name of the Roman god Mars.

· Mario - Possibly derived from Mars, the Roman god of war.

· Mauricio - Derived from Latin "Mauritius," meaning "dark-skinned" or "Moorish."

· Maximiliano - Derived from Latin "maximus" and "aemulus," meaning "greatest rival."

· Manuel - Derived from Hebrew "Immanuel," meaning "God is with us."

Spain Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with N

· Nicolás - Spanish form of Nicholas, meaning "victory of the people."

· Nahuel - A Mapuche (indigenous people of Chile and Argentina) name meaning "jaguar" or "tiger."

· Natán - Spanish form of Nathan, meaning "he gave."

· Néstor - Possibly derived from Greek "nestor," meaning "homecoming."

· Noé - Spanish form of Noah, meaning "rest" or "comfort."

· Norberto - Derived from Old High German "norð" and "beraht," meaning "north" and "bright."

· Nicasio - Derived from Greek "nikē," meaning "victory."

· Narciso - Derived from Greek "narkē," meaning "numbness" or "sleep."

Spain Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with O

· Óscar - Possibly derived from Old English "ōs" and "gār," meaning "god" and "spear."

· Octavio - Derived from Latin "octavus," meaning "eighth."

· Orlando - Possibly derived from Old High German "orland," meaning "famous throughout the land."

· Osvaldo - Derived from Old High German "ans" and "waltan," meaning "god" and "rule."

· Ovidio - Derived from Latin "ovidius," possibly meaning "sheep herder."

· Oliverio - Possibly derived from Old High German "alaf" and "hari," meaning "elf" and "army."

· Onofre - Derived from Greek "ὄνοφρος" (onophrós), meaning "wise" or "intelligent."

· Odón - Derived from Old High German "uod" and "haim," meaning "wealth" and "home."

Spain Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with P

· Pablo - Spanish form of Paul, meaning "small" or "humble."

· Pedro - Spanish form of Peter, meaning "rock" or "stone."

· Patricio - Spanish form of Patrick, meaning "noble" or "nobleman."

· Pascual - Derived from Latin "paschalis," meaning "relating to Easter" or "passover."

· Prudencio - Derived from Latin "prudentia," meaning "foresight" or "wisdom."

· Poncio - Derived from Latin "pontius," meaning "fifth" or "fifth-born."

· Publio - Derived from Latin "publicus," meaning "public" or "of the people."

· Perfecto - Derived from Latin "perfectus," meaning "perfect" or "complete."

Spain Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with Q

· Quirino - Possibly derived from Roman god Quirinus.

· Quintín - Derived from Latin "quintus," meaning "fifth."

· Quiliano - Derived from Latin "coecus," meaning "blind."

Spain Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with R

· Rafael - Meaning "God has healed."

· Rodrigo - Possibly derived from Germanic "hrod" and "ric," meaning "famous ruler."

· Ramón - Derived from Germanic "ragin" and "mund," meaning "wise protector."

· Raúl - Possibly derived from Germanic "rad" and "wulf," meaning "counsel" and "wolf."

· Rubén - Meaning "behold, a son."

· Renato - Derived from Latin "renatus," meaning "reborn."

· Román - Derived from Latin "romanus," meaning "a Roman."

· Ricardo - Spanish form of Richard, meaning "strong ruler."

Spain Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with S

· Sebastián - Derived from Greek "sebastos," meaning "venerable."

· Santiago - Derived from "Sant Iago," meaning "Saint James."

· Simón - Spanish form of Simon, meaning "he has heard."

· Sergio - Possibly derived from Latin "sergere," meaning "to arise" or "to serve."

· Saúl - Possibly derived from Hebrew "sha'ul," meaning "asked for" or "inquired of."

· Salvador - Derived from Latin "salvator," meaning "savior."

· Samuel - A biblical name meaning "heard by God."

· Sixto - Derived from Latin "sextus," meaning "sixth."

Spain Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with T

· Tomás - Spanish form of Thomas, meaning "twin."

· Teodoro - Derived from Greek "theos" and "doron," meaning "God's gift."

· Tobías - Spanish form of Tobias, meaning "God is good."

· Timoteo - Spanish form of Timothy, meaning "honoring God."

· Tadeo - Spanish form of Thaddeus, meaning "courageous heart."

Spain Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with U

· Uriel - Possibly derived from Hebrew "Uri'el," meaning "God is my light."

· Urbano - Meaning "city dweller" or "urban."

Spain Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with V

· Valentino - Derived from Latin "valens," meaning "strong" or "healthy."

· Vicente - Meaning "conquering" or "victorious."

· Víctor - Derived from Latin "victor," meaning "winner" or "conqueror."

· Valentín - Spanish form of Valentine, meaning "strong" or "healthy."

· Víctor - Derived from Latin "victor," meaning "winner" or "conqueror."

· Vicente - Meaning "conquering" or "victorious."

· Virgilio - Derived from Latin "virgilia," meaning "staff" or "wand."

· Valentino - Derived from Latin "valens," meaning "strong" or "healthy."

· Vidal - Derived from Latin "viduus," meaning "orphan" or "widow."

· Vital - Derived from Latin "vitalis," meaning "life-giving" or "alive."

Spain Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with X

· Xavier - Possibly derived from "new house."

Spain Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with Y

· Yago - Spanish form of James, meaning "supplanter."

· Yeray - A Guanche name from the indigenous people of the Canary Islands, meaning "ruler."

Spain Latest Boy Baby Names Starting with Z

· Zacarías - Spanish form of Zacharias, meaning "remembered by God."

· Zenón - Derived from Greek "zen," meaning "to live" or "life."

· Zephyr - Derived from Greek "zephyros," meaning "west wind."

· Zuriel - Derived from Hebrew "tsur," meaning "rock" or "God is my rock."

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