Romani Baby Boy Names with Meaning

Romani Baby Boy Names

Romani Baby names are known for their uniqueness and peculiarity, mirroring the rich social legacy and semantic practices of the Romani public. Romani names frequently draw motivation from the Romani language, which has a place with the Indo-Aryan language family, as well as from social and verifiable components intended for the Romani people group. These names convey a feeling of social pride, history, and character, making them stick out and separating them from names tracked down in other social settings.

Romani names frequently mirror the qualities, customs, and desires of the Romani public. They might convey implications connected with strength, fortune, opportunity, or parts of nature. Also, Romani names can consolidate components from the different geological locales and social impacts that the Romani people group has experienced over the entire course of time. This combination of semantic, social, and authentic impacts adds to the peculiarity and uniqueness of Romani child names.

In outline, Romani child names are remarkable because of their association with the Romani language, social legacy, and verifiable encounters of the Romani public. Romani names mirror a feeling of social personality and pride, epitomizing the qualities and goals of the local area. For those looking for names that are saturated with Romani customs, convey a feeling of history and social importance, and feature the excellence of the Romani culture, Romani child names offer an enrapturing and unmistakable decision.

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with A

· Alexandru - Defender of mankind

· Andrei - Manly; brave

· Adrian - Dark one

· Alin - Noble; fair

· Anton - Priceless; inestimable

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with B

· Bogdan - Given by God

· Bănel - Brave warrior

· Beniamin - Son of the right hand

· Bărbat - Man; male

· Blăgu - Calm; peaceful

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with C

· Cătălin - Pure; chaste

· Cristian - Follower of Christ

· Constantin - Constant; steadfast

· Cezar - Long-haired

· Corvin - Raven

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with D

· Daniel - God is my judge

· David - Beloved

· Dorin - Gift

· DragoÈ™ - Precious

· Dumitru - Of Demeter

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with E

· Emanuel - God is with us

· Eduard - Wealthy guardian

· Emil - Industrious; striving

· Eugen - Well-born; noble

· Eusebiu - Pious; devout

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with F

· Florin - Flowering; flourishing

· Felix - Happy; fortunate

· Florian - Blooming; flourishing

· Florea - Flower-like

· Fănel - God is gracious

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with G

· Gabriel - God is my strength

· George - Farmer

· Grigore - Vigilant; watchful

· Gavril - God is my strength

· Gheorghe - Farmer

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with H

· Horia - Farmer

· Haralambie - Health giver

· Hristu - Christ-bearer

· Horia - Farmer

· Horia - Farmer

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with I

· Ion - God is gracious

· Iulian - Youthful

· Iancu - God is gracious

· Ilie - God is my lord

· Ionel - God is gracious

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with J

· Johan - God is gracious

· Jurgen - Farmer

· Jovan - God is gracious

· Jorje - Farmer

· Jocu - Game

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with K

· Karol - Strong; manly

· Kristian - Follower of Christ

· Kamil - Perfect; complete

· Kostadin - Constant; steadfast

· Kian - Ancient; distant

· Kevin - Gentle; kind

· Konstantin - Steadfast; constant

· Klaus - Victorious people

· Kasper - Treasurer; treasure bearer

· Kemal - Perfect; complete

· Kiril - Lordly; masterful

· Kurt - Bold counselor

· Kamil - Perfect; complete

· Károly - Free man

· Khaled - Eternal; immortal

· Kacper - Treasure bearer

· Kazimierz - Peaceful destroyer

· Kamil - Perfection

· Karam - Generosity; kindness

· Krunoslav - Crown of glory

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with L

· Lucian - Light; illumination

· Liviu - Envious; jealous

· Laurentiu - From Laurentum

· Lucianu - Light; illumination

· Lucaci - Light

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with M

· Mihai - Who is like God?

· Marian - Of the sea

· Marcel - Hammer

· Mircea - Famous peace

· Mădălin - Brave little boy

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with N

· Nicolae - Victory of the people

· Nelu - Form of Cornelius; horn

· Nicu - Form of Nicholas; victory of the people

· NeluÈ›u - Form of Cornelius; horn

· Neagu - Pure; holy

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with O

· Octavian - Eighth-born

· Ovidiu - Sheep herder

· Ovidiu - Sheep herder

· Otniel - Strength of God

· Oprea - Precious stone

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with P

· Paul - Small; humble

· Petru - Rock

· Pavel - Small; humble

· Pătru - Rock

· Puiu - Chick

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with Q

· Quentin - Fifth

· Quinlan - Descendant of Caoinlean (meaning "slender" or "comely" in Irish)

· Quincy - Estate of the fifth son

· Quade - Fourth-born

· Quillan - Cub

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with R

· Radu - Happy; joyful

· Remus - Unknown meaning

· Răzvan - Joyful cry

· Raducu - Happy; joyful

· Romulus - Unknown meaning

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with S

· Stefan - Crowned

· Sorin - Sun

· Sebastian - Revered; respected

· Sandu - Defender of man

· Silviu - From the forest

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with T

· Tudor - Ruler of the people

· Traian - From Thrace

· Tiberiu - Of the Tiber river

· Teodor - God's gift

· Toma - Twin

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with U

· Uriel - God is my light

· Ulrich - Prosperous ruler

· Ulysses - Wrathful; hater

· Umar - Flourishing; long-lived

· Urban - From the city

· Ugo - Mind; intellect

· Upton - High town

· Uriah - God is my light

· Uzziah - Strength of God

· Ulf - Wolf

· Ulises - Wrathful; hater

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with V

· Valentin - Strong; healthy

· Vasile - Kingly

· Vlad - Rule

· Viorel - Bluebell

· Valeriu - Healthy; strong

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with W

· William - Resolute protector

· Wyatt - Brave in war

· Walter - Ruler of the army

· Wesley - Western meadow

· Warren - Protector; defender

· Wade - Ford; river crossing

· Wilson - Son of William

· Winston - Joyful stone

· Walker - Fuller of cloth

· Waylon - Land beside the road

· Wesley - From the west

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with X

· Xavier - Bright; splendid

· Xander - Defender of men

· Xaviero - Bright; splendid

· Xavi - New house or bright

· Xerxes - Ruler over heroes

· Ximeno - Hearkening

· Xylon - From the forest

· Xavian - Bright; splendid

· Xalvador - Savior

· Xaviar - Bright; splendid

· Xeno - Stranger

· Xabier - Bright; splendid

· Xaiden - God has heard

· Xeno - Foreigner

· Xerxes - Ruler; prince

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with Y

· Yael - Mountain goat

· Yusuf - God increases

· Yosef - God will add

· Yuri - Farmer

· Yash - Fame; glory

· Yohan - God is gracious

· Yannick - God is gracious

· Yann - God is gracious

· Yves - Yew wood

· Yaron - Singing

· Yannis - God is gracious

· Yasin - Rich; wealthy

· Yashar - Just; righteous

· Yitzhak - He will laugh

· Yoseph - God will add

Romani Most Uncommon Boy Baby Names Starts with Z

· Zaharia - God remembers

· Zeno - Of Zeus

· Zenoviu - Of Zeus

· Zisu - God lives

· Zăgrean - Chamois

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