Cambodian Baby Girl Names with Meaning

Cambodian Baby Girl Names

Cambodian Baby names are extraordinarily extraordinary because of their profound social and otherworldly importance. Cambodian culture is well established in customs and convictions, and this is reflected in the naming practices. Cambodian names frequently have significant implications connected with nature, otherworldliness, and strict convictions. They can be motivated by Buddhist ideas, old fantasies, or customary qualities, making areas of strength for an of personality and association with Cambodian legacy. These names convey a feeling of love and represent the desires and favors that guardians have for their youngsters, settling on them a valued and significant decision.

Another justification for why Cambodian child names are extraordinary is their phonetic excellence and uniqueness. The Khmer language, expressed in Cambodia, is known for its sweet tones and elegant content. Cambodian names frequently have wonderful characteristics, with cadenced syllables and charming sounds. Moreover, the Khmer language offers a large number of naming choices, permitting guardians to browse a different pool of words and implications. This phonetic wealth adds a dash of class and social profundity to Cambodian names, making them stick out and enamoring to the two Cambodians and those from different societies.

Generally, Cambodian child names hold an extraordinary spot in the naming practices because of their profound social and otherworldly importance as well as their phonetic magnificence. They address the qualities, convictions, and yearnings of Cambodian culture, filling in as a method for passing down customs and impart major areas of strength for an of personality in the more youthful age. Cambodian names are a demonstration of the rich legacy and interesting etymological legacy of the Khmer public.

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with A

· Anouk (អាណោគ): Graceful

· Apsara (អប្សរា): Divine dancer (In Hindu mythology, apsaras are celestial nymphs)

· Achariya (អាចារ្យា): Admirable

· Ayana (អាយ៉ាណា): Beautiful flower

· Arun (អារ៉ុណ): Dawn

· Aranya (អារាញ់): Forest

· Atiya (អាទិយា): Gift

· Ayva (អាយ្វា): Unique

· Avani (អាវនី): Earth

· Anida (អនិដា): Joyful

· Aria (អារី): Melody

· Anoum (អានុំ): Peaceful

· Aja (អាចា): Goat (also represents grace)

· Amara (អាម៉ារា): Eternal

· Alina (អាលីនា): Beautiful

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with B

· Bopha (បុព្វា): Flower

· Borei (បុរី): Diamond

· Bopha Devi (បុព្វាទេវី): Goddess of the flower (a royal title given to Cambodian princesses)

· Botum (បតុម): Blossom

· Bonaly (បុណាលី): Brilliant

· Bona (បុណា): Noble

· Bopha Reaksmey (បុព្វារាក្សរមី): Beautiful flower

· Bori (បូរី): Brave

· Boramey (បុរាំយ៉ា): Kindness

· Bophany (បូព៉ានី): Brightness

· Borey (បុរី): Noble

· Bonna (បុណ្ណា): Gentle

· Bopha Vatey (បុព្វាវាទេយ): Fragrant flower

· Boreak (បុរី): Courageous

· Boreth (បុរ៉ាតេហ្វេ): Brilliant light

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with C

· Chantrea (ចន្ទ្រា): Moonlight

· Chansophea (ចន្សរភ័ណ្ឌ): Gentle rain

· Chenda (ចេន្ទា): Celestial

· Champei (ចំពិរោះ): Frangipani flower

· Chhaya (ឆាយា): Shade

· Chantha (ចន្ថា): Prosperity

· Chhengly (ឆេងលី): Beautiful

· Chanvatey (ច័ន្វាទេយ): Beautiful star

· Chamreun (ចំរើន): Lucky

· Channary (ចន្ទ្រណារី): Moonlight

· Channaryka (ចន្ទ្រណារិកា): Lunar halo

· Chomrong (ចំរុង): Forever

· Charya (ចារ្យា): Art

· Chheka (ឆែកា): Flower bud

· Chanthoeun (ចន្ទ្រតឿន): Good fortune

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with D

· Dalin (ដាល់លីន): Lovely

· Davitha (ដាវិទ្ធា): Wise

· Dany (ដង្ហើយ): Star

· Damnak (ដំណក់): Palace

· Dara (ដារ៉ា): Star

· Dary (ដារី): Gentle

· Darika (ដារីកា): Beautifully blessed

· Darany (ដារញី): Good-hearted

· Dalita (ដាលីតា): Charming

· Davy (ដាវី): Beloved

· Dina (ដីណា): Earth

· Dara Rotha (ដារ៉ារត្តា): Splendid star

· Dara Vatey (ដារ៉ាវាទេយ): Star of joy

· Davika (ដាវិកា): Talented

· Dara Chan (ដារ៉ាចន្ទ): Beautiful star

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with E

· Em (អេម): Mother

· Eav (អ៊ាវ): Fragrant

· Eath (អេត្ត): Purity

· Ean (អ៊ាន): Prosperity

· Eang (អ៊ាង): Beautiful

· Eab (អ៊ីប): Sweet

· Eap (អេប): Creative

· Eang Sreynich (អ៊ាង ស្រីនិច): Beautiful moonlight

· Em Vatey (អេម វាទេយ): Mother of joy

· Eab Sovann (អ៊ីប សុវណ្ណ): Sweet gold

· Eath Sothea (អេត្ត សុវត្តា): Pure beauty

· Ean Pisey (អ៊ាន ពេសី): Prosperous life

· Eap Sopheap (អេប សុភាព): Creative flower

· Eang Vanny (អ៊ាង វានី): Beautiful star

· Eab Chenda (អ៊ីប ចេន្ទា): Sweet celestial

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with F

· Fanchi (ហ៊ានជី): Fragrant

· Fara (ហ្វារា): Joy

· Fawn (ហ្វ័ន): Blessing

· Fida (ហ្វៀដា): Redemption

· Fifi (ហ្វ៊ឺហ្វ៊ី): Small flower

· Fira (ហ្វីរា): Happiness

· Fanya (ហ្វាន់យ៉ា): Successful

· Fany (ហ្វេន៉ី): Light

· Fara Reaksmey (ហ្វារារក្សមី): Beautiful joy

· Fawn Sovann (ហ្វ័ន សុវណ្ណ): Blessed gold

· Fira Rithy (ហ្វីរារិថ្យ): Happy and blessed

· Fida Vatey (ហ្វៀដា វាទេយ): Redeemed joy

· Fany Chenda (ហ្វេន៉ី ចេន្ទា): Light of the celestial

· Fawn Sreyneang (ហ្វ័ន ស្រីនាង): Blessing of the ladies

· Fira Dalin (ហ្វីរា ដាល់លីន): Happy and lovely

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with G

· Gina (ហ្គីណា): Silvery

· Gita (គីតា): Song

· Galya (គាល់យា): Graceful

· Gech (កេច): Charming

· Giselle (ហ្គីសេលេ): Bright pledge

· Gulika (ហ្គូលីកា): Gemstone

· Gavya (ហ្គាវ៉ា): Skillful

· Ginda (គិន្តា): Intellectual

· Grace (ក្រុមសម្រាប់និស្សិត): Elegance

· Gita Rany (គីតា រន្ទី): Melodious voice

· Galin (ហ្គាលិន): Bright

· Gisele (ហ្គីសេលេ): Pledge

· Gaia (គាយា): Earth

· Ganya (ហ្គាន្យា): Knowledge

· Gavita (ហ្គាវិតា): Brilliant

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with H

· Hang (ហង្ស): Golden

· Hanita (ហនិតា): Grace

· Hean (ហាន): Light

· Heng (ហេង): Fortune

· Hieng (ហៀង): Strong

· Hom (ហុម): Fragrance

· Honna (ហុណ្ណា): Bright

· Huyen (ហួយនេ): Charming

· Hoy (ហុយ): Sweetheart

· Hour (ហ៊ូរ): Beautiful

· Haly (ហាលី): Fragrant

· Hava (ហាវា): Sky

· Hema (ហីមា): Golden

· Houn (ហួន): Young woman

· Hani (ហានិ): Cheerful

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with I

· Ima (អ៊ីមា): Peace

· Ira (អ៊ីរា): Noble

· Iva (អ៊ីវា): Unique

· Imani (អ៊ីម៉ានី): Faith

· Isara (អ៊ីសារា): Freedom

· Irina (អ៊ីរីណា): Peaceful

· Itia (អ៊ីទៀអ): Radiant

· Itiya (អ៊ីទៀយា): Pure

· Izara (អ៊ីសារា): Star

· Irya (អ៊ីរ៉ា): Delight

· Ivika (អ៊ីវីកា): Blossom

· Ilana (អ៊ីឡាណា): Tree

· Ibis (អ៊ីប៊ីស): Bird

· Irada (អ៊ីរាដា): Gift

· Imara (អ៊ីម៉ារា): Strong

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with J

· Janika (ជានីកា): Strong and victorious

· Jasmin (ចេស៊ីន): Jasmine flower

· Jita (ជិតា): Heart

· Jolie (ចុលី): Pretty

· Jana (ចនា): Moon

· Jara (ចារា): Sweet

· Jivitha (ជីវិតា): Life

· Jinali (ជីណាលី): Winner

· Jaya (ជយា): Victory

· Janya (ជញ្ជា): Beautiful

· Janavi (ចាណាវិនី): River Ganga

· Jeyra (ជេរា): Brilliant

· Jansika (ចាន្សិកា): Moonlight

· Jara Chan (ចារា ចន្ទ): Sweet moon

· Jivithea Soriya (ជីវិត្តា សូរីយា): Life's sun

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with K

· Kaly (កាលី): Flower

· Kanya (កញ្ញា): Young girl

· Kiri (គីរី): Mountain

· Kanika (កានីកា): Small flower

· Kamala (កម្លា): Lotus

· Kesa (កេសា): Silk

· Kiri Vatey (គីរី វាទេយ): Mountain of joy

· Kaly Sopheak (កាលី សុភាព): Beautiful flower

· Kanya Davy (កញ្ញា ដាវី): Wise young girl

· Kesa Reaksmey (កេសា រក្សមី): Silk of happiness

· Kanika Chan (កានីកា ចន្ទ): Charming small flower

· Kamala Sokunthea (កម្លា សុគន្ធា): Lotus of purity

· Kaly Sreyneang (កាលី ស្រីនាង): Flower of the ladies

· Kanya Pisey (កញ្ញា ពេសី): Prosperous young girl

· Kanika Soriya (កានីកា សូរីយា): Golden small flower

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with L

· Leakhena (លើកហន្ទា): Angel

· Lina (លីណា): Tender

· Lavy (លាវី): Graceful

· Leakena (លិកនា): Beautiful

· Lin (លីន): Lotus

· Lida (លីដា): Lovely

· Laksmi (លក្សមី): Goddess of wealth and prosperity

· Leat (លាត): Gentle

· Lang (ឡាង): Voice

· Linh (លិញ): Light

· Leang (ឡាង): Gentle

· Lita (លីតា): Pretty

· Ly (លី): Flower

· Lina Sopheap (លីណា សុភាព): Tender flower

· Laksmi Rany (លក្សមី រន្ទី): Beautiful goddess of wealth

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with M

· Malis (មាលីស): Jasmine

· Monita (មុនីតា): Intelligent

· Mala (មាលា): Garland of flowers

· Mony (មុនី): Beautiful woman

· Malee (ម៉ាលី): Flower

· Maly (មលី): Fragrant

· Maliya (មាលីយា): Sweetheart

· Monika (មុនីកា): Wise counselor

· Marady (ម៉ារីឌី): Beautiful

· Meas (មាស): Golden

· Mara (ម៉ារា): Beloved

· Moha (មហា): Great

· Malita (មាលីតា): Goodness

· Maya (មយា): Illusion

· Monorom (មនុរម្យ): Beautiful heart

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with N

· Nita (និតា): Guided

· Nary (ណារី): Beautiful

· Nisa (នីសា): Woman

· Nita Reaksa (និតា រាក្សា): Guided by the moon

· Nita Vatey (និតា វាទេយ): Guided by joy

· Narin (ណារិន): Delicate

· Nika (និកា): Noble

· Nitha (និតា): Heart

· Nali (ណាលី): Praise

· Nara (ណារា): Gentle

· Nakry (ណាក្រី): Attractive

· Nisay (និសាយ): Perfect

· Nimol (និមល): Gentle

· Nari (ណារិន): Womanly

· Nithya (និធ្យា): Eternal

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with O

· Onika (អុនីកា): Strong-minded

· Oudom (អ៊ូតោម): Prosperity

· Oun (អូន): Sweetheart

· Orn (អន): Pretty

· Ouch (អូច): Honey

· Oeun (អូរ៉ាន់): Charming

· Oliya (អូលីយា): Light

· Oum (អុំ): Mother

· Ombang (អំបង): Love

· Oda (អតា): Hope

· Ouk (អូក): Gem

· Oudara (អ៊ុយដារា): Prosperous

· Onyx (អុក្ស): Precious stone

· Orapin (អរបិន្តា): Beautiful gem

· Olika (អូលីកា): Brilliant

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with P

· Pich (ពិច): Diamond

· Phalla (ផល្លា): Flower

· Phary (ផារី): Angel

· Pisey (ពេសី): Wonderful

· Pichmony (ពិចមុនី): Precious jewel

· Phally (ផាលី): Beautiful

· Phanna (ផណ្ណា): Intelligent

· Phaline (ផាល់នេន): Creative

· Phirun (ផីរុន): Blessing

· Pharyna (ផារិនា): Gentle

· Pheakdey (ភាគតិយា): Auspicious

· Phearum (ផារ៉ាម៉ុង): Brightness

· Phallyka (ផាលីកា): Radiant flower

· Phanna Soriya (ផណ្ណា សូរីយា): Intelligent sun

· Phirun Sovann (ផីរុន សុវណ្ណ័): Blessing of gold

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with Q

· Quynh (ហ្សីន): Delicate, elegant

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with R

· Ravy (រាវី): Beautiful

· Rathana (រដ្ឋណា): Jewel

· Rina (រិនា): Queen

· Rany (រានី): Delightful

· Reaksmey (រក្សមី): Happiness

· Ratha (រតា): Chariot

· Rina Sopheak (រិនា សុភាព): Beautiful light

· Ravy Davy (រាវី ដាវី): Beautiful and wise

· Rotha (រដ្ឋា): Star

· Rany Pisey (រានី ពេសី): Delightful and wonderful

· Rathana Soriya (រដ្ឋណា សូរីយា): Jewel of the sun

· Reaksmey Channary (រក្សមី ចាន្នារី): Happy moon

· Rina Vatey (រិនា វាទេយ): Beautiful joy

· Rany Pheakdey (រានី ភាគតិយា): Delightful auspiciousness

· Rotha Sovann (រតា សុវណ្ណ័): Star of gold

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with S

· Sophea (សុភ័ក្រ): Wisdom

· Srey (ស្រី): Girl

· Sreyneang (ស្រីនាង): Lady

· Sopheap (សុភាព): Beautiful

· Sokha (សុខា): Happiness

· Soriya (សូរីយា): Sun

· Sreyleak (ស្រីឡាក់): Love

· Sreypov (ស្រីពៅ): Beautiful flower

· Sreypich (ស្រីពេច): Precious girl

· Sovann (សូវណ្ណ): Gold

· Somaly (សុមុលី): Peaceful

· Sreymom (ស្រីម៉ុម): Beautiful and gentle

· Sokunthea (សុគន្ធា): Kindness

· Sokheng (សុខង្រិន): Bright

· Sophy (សុភី): Gentle

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with T

· Thida (ធីដា): Brightness

· Thyda (ធីដា): Prosperous

· Thavy (ថាវី): Sweet

· Thary (ថារី): Progress

· Thina (ធីណា): Elegant

· Tharith (ថារិត្ត): Successful

· Thalita (ថាលីតា): Little girl

· Thansour (ថានសួរ): Graceful

· Thavry (ថាវរី): Brave

· Thavyda (ថាវយា): Blooming

· Thina Sopheak (ធីណាសុភាព): Elegant light

· Thida Reaksmey (ធីដារក្សមី): Brightness of happiness

· Tharith Pisey (ថារិត្ត ពេសី): Successful and wonderful

· Thary Chenda (ថារី ចេន្តា): Progress of moon

· Thyda Sovann (ធីដា សូវណ្ណ័): Prosperous gold

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with U

· Usha (ឧស្សា): Dawn

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with V

· Vanna (វណ្ណា): Golden

· Vannary (វ៉ាន់នារ៉ា): Beautiful star

· Vibol (វិបុល): Prosperous

· Vireak (វីរ៉ាក់): Powerful

· Vimean (វិមាន): Beautiful

· Veasna (វាស្នា): Destiny

· Vithika (វិធីកា): Decoration

· Vichka (វិចិត្តា): Faith

· Vanny (វ៉ាន់ណៃ): Beloved

· Vong (វង្ស): Grand

· Vanneth (វ៉ាន់ណេត): Perfect

· Vireakna (វីរ៉ាក្នា): Angel

· Vichea (វិចារា): Clever

· Vanna Vatey (វណ្ណា វាទេយ): Golden joy

· Vichka Sovann (វិចិត្តា សូវណ្ណ័): Faith of gold

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with W

· Wathna (វឌ្ឍនា): Prosperity

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with X

· Xinyi (សិនីយា): Beautiful joy (inspired by the Chinese name Xinyi)

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with Y

· Yary (យារី): Courageous

· Yuthika (យុវិកា): Jasmine flower

· Yani (យ៉ាន់អី): Beautiful eyes

· Yayi (យ៉ាយី): Lovely

· Yanika (យ៉ានីកា): Everlasting

· Yen (យន់): Swallow bird

· Yoeun (យើង): Brilliant

· Yutha (យុត្តា): Strong

· Yai (យ៉ាយ៉ៃ): Elegance

· Yara (យារ៉ា): Precious one

· Yuvika (យូវីកា): Young lady

· Yinda (យិន្ដា): Sweet-smelling

· Yon (យន): Unique

· Yara Pheakdey (យារ៉ា ភាគតិយា): Precious auspiciousness

· Yutha Vatey (យុត្តា វាទេយ): Strong joy

Cambodian Most Unique Girl Baby Names Starting with Z

· Zara (ហ្សារា): Princess

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